Fisher Return
Most Recent Fisher Update
February 14, 2025
Dear Fisher Community,
We are excited to share an important update on the Hurricane Ida repairs for Fisher Middle/High School.
On February 5, the Jefferson Parish School Board approved the demolition of the current campus and selected Verges Rome Architects to design the new school. The Board also voted to seek project management proposals from CSRS and Volkert to ensure expert oversight during construction.
Securing funding has been a long and complex process. Through our collective efforts, we successfully navigated FEMA’s funding process, securing full financial support without additional local burden.
We are pleased to announce that FEMA has approved $68.2 million for the new Fisher campus, covering both completed and future work. The next step is obtaining approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers before moving forward with construction plans.
Rebuilding Fisher Middle/High School is about more than a new building—it’s an investment in Lafitte’s future. We appreciate your continued support and will keep you informed as we reach new milestones.
Dr. James Gray
Fisher Middle-High Orientation for 23-24 School Year
Temporary Site at West Bank Community School
Previous Fisher Updates
- August 30, 2024
- July 15, 2024
- August 9, 2023
- July 24, 2023
- June 28, 2023
- May 8, 2023
- April 21, 2023
- March 10, 2023
- February 10, 2023
- January 13, 2023
- December 8, 2022
- November 4, 2022
- October 6, 2022
- September 9, 2022
- August 5, 2022
- July 7, 2022
- June 8, 2022
- May 6, 2022
- April 21, 2022
- March 29, 2022
- March 9, 2022
- February 18, 2022
- December 13, 2021
- November 16, 2021
- October 5, 2021
- September 29, 2021
- September 24, 2021
- September 23, 2021
- September 16, 2021
August 30, 2024
Dear Members of the Fisher School Community,
We are pleased to provide an update on the long-term plans for rebuilding our school, which was destroyed by Hurricane Ida. As you know, this has been a complex process, but the district is committed to restoring and improving our facilities for the benefit of students and the community. The district is working closely with Former Senator David Vitter to support this process. He updated us this week with information on the school rebuild. Our congressional delegation remains very engaged, and there have continued to be weekly working meetings with the FEMA team. Below are key updates on the school and athletic complex rebuilds, as well as short-term considerations for football this year.
Rebuilding the School:
- FEMA Coordination: The final stages of discussions with FEMA for this phase of the work are happening now, with only several lingering questions left to address. FEMA is reviewing our responses to these questions and the next step will be to finalize a funding amount.
- Funding Goals: The goal is to secure enough funding for a complete, high quality, rebuild that will meet all necessary codes and standards.
- Next Steps: After FEMA provides a final number, the Corps of Engineers must review and approve the plan. This is a requirement for the funding. Once the Corps gives its approval, the design and build process can proceed, following the same procedures the district uses for all major projects.
Athletic Complex Rebuild: The rebuild of the football field is on a different timeline from the full school rebuild. The planning and work related to this is moving along well, and the goal is to have it ready by the start of the 2025-2026 school year. Key features of the new complex include:
- Seating Capacity: The home side will feature bleachers with a capacity of 1,472, while the visitor side will accommodate 499 spectators.
- Concession Stand: The existing concession stand will be remodeled and updated.
- Field Lighting: The number of light poles will be reduced from six to four, with the new poles being higher and equipped with brighter LED lights.
- Press Box: A pre-fabricated double-decker press box, similar to those at a couple of other schools in the area, will be installed above the home bleachers.
- Restrooms: Elevated modular restrooms will be constructed at the same level as the stands on both sides.
- Scoreboard: The scoreboard will be repositioned so both home and visitor sides have a clear view.
- Ticket Booth and Pavilion: The ticket booth will be located at the main entrance, alongside a pavilion.
- Visitor Pathway: A pathway will be constructed to allow visitors to reach their side of the field without walking through the grass.
- Ambulance Pad: A cement pad for ambulance access will be installed.
- Field Surface: The field will be upgraded to turf.
- Parking: Parking will be available where the softball field is currently located, with additional parking adjacent to the field.
- Storage: Storage space will be provided under the bleachers.
Short-Term Considerations and the 2024 Football Season:
We understand how much it would mean to the team and the community to play football games at the site this year and that there is interest in doing this. However, it is important to clarify that we are not able to commit to this at this time.
Our top priority is the safety of our students, faculty, and guests. While we are actively exploring the possibility of holding games at the site, we cannot proceed if it compromises safety or interferes with the planned construction of the facilities for the 2025-2026 school year.
As of now, playing football at the site this fall has not been approved. We will continue to assess the situation and gather more information. If the circumstances change and it becomes feasible to host a game at the temporary field, we will notify the community.
We appreciate your patience and support as we work towards rebuilding our school and athletic facilities. Please know that we are committed to keeping you informed every step of the way.
Dr. James Gray
July 15, 2024
Dear Fisher Community,
We were glad to welcome our Fisher students and staff to their own dedicated school at the Westbank Community site last school year and are happy that the year went so well.
As we look to the start of our second year at that location, we know the Westbank Community site is not a permanent solution. We are continuing our work to advocate for FEMA funding at the permanent Fisher site. This spring Chief Operations Officer Patrick Jenkins, Vice-President of Risk Management & Insurance for ICF, Susan West, Mayor Kerner, our congressional liaison David Vitter, and I went to Washington DC to advocate directly to our delegation for an answer from FEMA regarding this funding. We continue to meet regularly with FEMA and our advocacy remains strong.
We know the school community is interested in holding athletic events at the Fisher site this fall. There are several components to our ongoing work, including work related to athletics at the site. We are continuing our work with FEMA on approval for Hurricane Ida repairs to the athletic facilities. In addition, there is work with the architect to design a new concession stand, press box, bleachers, and other improvements. We hope to receive approval from FEMA to move forward with construction of these improvements starting this fall. We will have more information later this month about the timeline for these improvements.
We will also know this month if athletic events can happen using temporary improvements this fall. Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility as we continue working towards a long-term solution to Fisher’s campus in Lafitte. We will share updates with the Fisher community about athletic improvements and the permanent campus in Lafitte as we learn more.
Dr. James Gray
August 9, 2023
Fisher Middle-High Family,
We were excited to welcome our Fisher students and staff to their own dedicated school at the Westbank Community site this Monday. During our visit to the campus that morning, your School Board member Kriss Fairbairn Fortunato, School Board President Ralph Brandt, and I got to see how Fisher is making the campus their own, whether that was the gator in the front hallway or teachers’ names on classroom doors. We saw students who were excited to see their teachers and classmates and start school in the portable buildings, seniors collaborating with one another in the new auditorium, and staff who were excited to welcome their kids back from the summer break.
After almost two years of teaching and learning on a temporary campus, I want to say thank you for your patience and flexibility as we worked to create your own space. I also want to express our gratitude to Ehret High School’s students, faculty, and staff for welcoming Fisher as we utilized that temporary solution to maintain structure and stability for our children.
As many of you saw during the student orientation held August 3, we worked hard to ensure Fisher had a space to call their own while we await the long-term solution to Fisher’s campus in Lafitte. As I’ve saId before, the Westbank Community site is a temporary solution. We are still advocating for an answer from FEMA about reimbursement at the permanent Fisher site and continue our weekly meetings with them.
Maintaining an open dialogue with you has been key to our recovery efforts, so I wanted to let you know that this will be the last regularly-scheduled monthly message. Moving forward, we will share updates with the Fisher community about their permanent campus in Lafitte as we learn more.
Thank you for your continuous support and understanding as we moved forward for our students and our Lafitte community.
Dr. James Gray
July 24, 2023
Fisher Middle-High Family,
We are excited to welcome students, employees, and families to Fisher's temporary Westbank Community Campus next month. The contractor is in the final stages of readying the campus, which includes the installation of landscaping and additional finishing work to classrooms and restrooms.
We want to ensure students and families have a chance to become acclimated with the new temporary campus before the first day of school. Fisher will host a student orientation on the evening of Thursday, August 3. Middle school orientation will be from 5-6 p.m., and high school orientation will be from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Please watch for additional details from Principal Wurth about this event.
We are still awaiting a decision on what will be covered by FEMA reimbursement at the permanent Fisher site, and we took the proactive step last October to approve an architect/engineer for the Fisher Middle-High School design. We still have weekly meetings with FEMA and continue to advocate for an answer as soon as possible.
As we enter these last couple of weeks before school resumes, we know you are anxious and excited to have your own campus, even though it’s a temporary fix as we await the long-term solution for your campus in Lafitte. I can’t thank you enough for your continuous support and understanding, and we will be in touch with the next update the week of July 31.
Dr. James Gray
June 28, 2023
Fisher Middle-High Family,
We are so excited to share that Fisher's temporary Westbank Community Campus is 95% complete and has obtained a Certificate of Occupancy from the State Fire Marshal and a Permit to Operate from the Louisiana Department of Health. The interior work has been completed with only minor items remaining. Here are a few key updates:
New furniture has been delivered and installed throughout the entire campus. This includes new teacher desks and chairs, student desks, complete office furniture sets, conference room tables, cafeteria tables and chairs, library shelving, and teacher lounge furnishings.
The gym has also been completely renovated with new flooring, custom bleachers, additional lighting, and painting.
All Fisher's belongings were moved from Ehret to the temporary Fisher site.
Additionally, the contractor is in the process of installing new landscaping, which includes trees, shrubs, sod, and flower beds throughout the entire property.
We understand that this has been a long process; however, we are on track to opening Fisher’s temporary Westbank Campus for the start of the 2023-2024 school year this August. For updated photos of our progress, please see Our next update will be the week of July 24. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Dr. James Gray
May 8, 2023
Fisher Middle-High Family,
As you know, our contractors have been making extensive renovations since last spring to convert the Westbank Community facility from a community school to a temporary site appropriate to house a middle-high school. While we were hoping to welcome staff and students next week, there are still some renovations that must occur before the campus is safely ready to open. Because of this, Fisher Middle-High students will finish the 2022-2023 school year at their current shared campus at John Ehret High and will start the 2023-2024 school year at the Westbank Community campus. Students will learn on campus at John Ehret High for the remainder of this school year.
After conversations today with our Lafitte Oversight Committee members, this timeline also allows for students and staff to finish the year strong. School administration and district staff will coordinate to ensure faculty and staff have the necessary information and time to pack and move their instructional materials. For updated photos of our progress, please see
Our contractors are continuing renovations, including installing kitchen equipment and a new gym floor. They’re also finishing final touches on landscaping, parking lots, and signage. To acclimate students before the first day of school, we are excited to host an open house for students and families before school starts in August. We will be in touch as soon as possible about a date for this event.
Since Hurricane Ida made landfall in August 2021, you have continued to persevere, remain resilient, and look after one another. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we get our Fisher Middle-High students and staff into their temporary campus and continue to finalize the long-term solution for the Fisher campus in Lafitte.
Dr. James Gray
April 21, 2023
April 21, 2023
Fisher Middle-High Family,
We are excited to welcome our students and staff to the Westbank Community campus next month. Students will learn asynchronously at home Monday, May 15 and Tuesday, May 16. Students in grades 6th-11th and all employees will begin school on the Westbank Community campus site on Wednesday, May 17. We know this move has been a long time coming, and you are ready to have your own space while we await a decision from FEMA about your permanent campus in Lafitte.
Contractors have been hard at work to ensure the campus is ready. For updated pictures on our progress, please view The two temporary classroom buildings are completely installed. Brand new kitchen equipment, bathroom fixtures, and a gym floor are being installed. All exterior doors on the campus are in the process of being replaced, and the main building will have all new windows. New student and teacher furniture is being delivered next Monday. Contractors are continuing other final touches, including landscaping and floor waxing.
We are still awaiting a fire marshal inspection to obtain occupancy, which we hope will happen within the next two weeks. We are not able to host an open house for students and families until this review is complete, but we hope to do so before students’ first day on campus. Please stay tuned for more information.
The architect's report for the permanent Fisher campus was provided to FEMA earlier this month. With consideration that the campus has previously flooded five times, we want to ensure that we mitigate the risk of future flooding.
Thank you for your continuous support. The next update will be provided the week of May 15. While I know the road to recovery has been long, please know that rebuilding our two schools in Lafitte continues to be a priority for our School Board and district. We know your campuses are an integral part of the Lafitte community, which is why we want to ensure they continue to serve our children for generations to come.
Dr. James Gray
March 10, 2023
Fisher Middle-High Family,
We wanted to share an update about the recovery progress.
Our contractors are continuing renovations to the Westbank Community campus and anticipate multiple buildings on the campus will be ready for occupancy by the end of March. Final touches such as paint, waxing and installation of furniture is awaiting the final permanent repairs to be completed.
As we shared last month, based on feedback from Fisher faculty and staff, students in grades 6th-11th and all employees will begin school on the Westbank Community campus site on Wednesday, May 17. Students will learn asynchronously at home Monday, May 15 and Tuesday, May 16 so staff have two days to set up their classrooms before students arrive on campus. This will ensure students are set up for success and teaching and learning is not disrupted before and during the state testing window. We look forward to hosting an open house for students and families in April, so stay tuned for a date soon.
We are still awaiting a decision on what will be covered by FEMA reimbursement, and we took the proactive step last fall to approve an architect/engineer for Fisher Middle-High School design. The architect is preparing all documentation that FEMA requires for their final determination. We have weekly meetings with FEMA and continue to advocate for an answer as soon as possible about rebuilding the permanent Fisher campus.
We will continue to keep you informed about the recovery progress, and the next update will be provided the week of April 10. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding as we move forward for our students and our Lafitte community.
Dr. James Gray
February 10, 2023
Fisher Middle-High Family,
The following message is part of our promise to communicate monthly with you about our recovery progress.
Renovations continue to convert the Westbank Community campus to a temporary site appropriate to house a middle-high school. This includes the installation of two portable 20-classroom buildings with restrooms, which were set in place this past weekend. Our contractors are tiling the floors, finishing the ceilings, and finalizing plumbing in all restrooms. Mayor Tim Kerner, School Board member Kriss Fortunato, and members of our Lafitte Oversight Committee also recently toured the Westbank Community campus to see progress.
At this time, we anticipate the campus to be ready for occupancy at the end of March. However, the Fisher faculty and staff want to ensure that the quality teaching and learning that’s been happening this school year is not disrupted before and during the state testing window. Based on feedback from the faculty and staff, students in grades 6th-11th and all employees will begin school on the Westbank Community campus site on Wednesday, May 17. Students will learn asynchronously at home on May 15 and 16 to ensure teachers and staff have two days to set up their classrooms before students arrive on campus. The last day for seniors is Wednesday, May 10, and graduation is Saturday, May 13.
We will host an open house for students and families in April and will be in touch soon about a date.
Our next update will be provided the week of March 6. Since Hurricane Ida, I know you have made sacrifices, had to be adaptable, and exhibit endurance. Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility.
Dr. James Gray
January 13, 2023
Fisher Middle-High Family,
I have often stated that the key to our recovery efforts would be continuous communication. With this in mind, the following message is part of the monthly communication update that will be sent from me to you on where we are in the recovery process at your school.
As you can see from the photo gallery at, we are nearing completion on renovations to the Westbank Community campus. Our contractors are completing the floors, finalizing plumbing in all restrooms, and moving furniture into classrooms.
At this time, we anticipate moving Fisher’s temporary campus to the Westbank Community campus mid-March 2023. We will share a finalized date with you soon and will notify families and employees at least two weeks before the move would occur. Before beginning school on the campus, we will host an open house so students and families can become familiar with the campus. We will also help move employees’ instructional resources, classroom materials and operational equipment to the new temporary campus.
We are still waiting on a decision on what will be covered by FEMA reimbursement and continue meeting with them weekly. We hope to have an answer soon about the status of rebuilding the permanent Fisher campus.
We will continue to keep you informed about the recovery progress, and the next update will be provided the week of February 6. Thank you for your efforts in providing the education our children deserve and for continuing to show up for one another.
Dr. James Gray
December 8, 2022
Fisher Middle-High Family,
I’m writing to you with our monthly update. Despite the inclement weather, we were excited to host a football game so our Fisher seniors could play on their home field.
We continue to wait on a decision on what will be covered by FEMA reimbursement, and we remain in constant contact with them through weekly meetings. We continue to advocate for an answer about rebuilding the permanent Fisher campus and hope to know an answer soon.
Renovations to the Westbank Community campus are progressing well. At this time, we still anticipate moving Fisher’s temporary campus into the Westbank Community campus in early 2023. All exterior painting is completed. Since receiving authorization last month to begin interior repairs, our contractor has been hard at work to begin those renovations. Contractors are working on the floors, including sanding the subfloor and installing permanent floor tiles. Walls are being cleaned, primed, and painted. The contractor is continuing to remodel and install plumbing in all restrooms. For a photo gallery of the Westbank Community’s campus renovation, please visit
Our next update will be provided the week of January 9. While progress is certainly being made, I can not thank you enough for your patience and flexibility. We know the road to recovery has been longer for Lafitte than other areas in the parish, and we thank you for your continued partnership.
Dr. James Gray
November 4, 2022
Fisher Middle-High Family,
I’m writing to you with our monthly update. We know how important athletics are to the Fisher and Lafitte community, and we have been working diligently to make stadium repairs to allow for a sense of normalcy for our students, families, and community members. We are excited that after months of work, we are prepared to host the football game this Saturday at Fisher. With inclement weather anticipated Saturday, we will continue to monitor the forecast and keep the Fisher community informed should plans change.
We are still awaiting a decision on what will be covered by FEMA reimbursement, and we took the proactive step in October to approve an architect/engineer for Fisher Middle-High School design. We have weekly meetings with FEMA and continue to advocate for an answer as soon as possible about rebuilding the permanent Fisher campus.
While the end goal is to have Fisher Middle-High back at your Lafitte campus, we are preparing the West Bank Community campus for students, staff, and families. We received authorization yesterday from local officials to begin interior repairs, and our contractor will begin work on those repairs now. While we were awaiting authorization, the contractor has been busy with exterior renovations, including painting the buildings and waterproofing the roof.
We will continue to keep you informed about the recovery progress, and the next update will be provided the week of December 5. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding as we move forward for our students and our Lafitte community.
Dr. James Gray
October 6, 2022
Fisher Middle-High Family,
Maintaining an open dialogue with you is key to our recovery efforts, so I’m writing to you with our monthly update for Fisher Middle-High.
Last month, Board President Moise and I spent time in our nation’s capital as part of the Jefferson Chamber’s Washington D.C. Fly-in Tour. As part of our visit, we met individually with representatives of our U.S. and state senators, where we shared about how we could use their support and advocacy in working with FEMA to obtain the acceptance of the floodplain manager’s Fisher declaration. We discussed the steps we’ve taken to receive these recovery funds in a timely manner and the importance of being able to rebuild and repair our buildings as quickly as possible. We also drafted a letter and shared it with our U.S. and state senators.
While we are still awaiting a decision on what will be covered by FEMA reimbursement, last night, our School Board approved Verges Rome as the architect/engineer for Fisher Middle-High School design. While this is contingent upon receiving written notification from FEMA that they agree with the damage assessment, this was a proactive step so we can move as quickly as possible with rebuilding the permanent Fisher campus once we hear back from FEMA.
We continue to ready the Fisher field area, and we will be removing the bleachers and press box soon in the hopes of hosting two daytime football games this season.
Our contractor is also making progress on readying the West Bank Community campus for our Fisher students, staff, and families. They are continuing demolition and renovation to the campus as well as painting the exterior of the buildings.
As I noted in the letter to our national and state senators, Fisher is an integral part of the Lafitte community. In a small town like Lafitte, a school provides a place for people to come together Whether it is a school play, a football game, or an after-school stop at the snowball stand, these things are at the heart of a community and help promote social, economic, and cultural development.
Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to providing you with another update the week of October 31. I hope you all have a restful and relaxing fall break.
Dr. James Gray
September 9, 2022
Fisher Middle-High Family,
Our goal is to ensure that our students have modern schools to learn in that will stand the test of time. After an evaluation by the architect of all buildings on campus, all but two buildings were identified as substantially damaged. The floodplain manager also recently declared the Fisher Middle/High campus over 50% substantially damaged, including all buildings except the library and athletic building. Now, we are awaiting a decision on what will be covered by FEMA reimbursement. This latest substantially damaged notification is the next step to ensuring the long-term solution to Fisher’s campus is one that will serve the students, families, staff, and community for decades to come.
I know you want to be back home at your Lafitte campus. That day will come. Until then, we are doing all we can to ensure the West Bank Community campus can comfortably serve our students, employees, and families. On August 3, our School Board approved a contractor to begin demolition and renovation to the campus. Since then, the contractor has been hard at work gutting and upgrading the facilities. For photos of the progress, you can see below. At this week’s board meeting, the board approved the lease of two modular buildings that will provide additional classroom space and restrooms. These modular buildings should be delivered to the West Bank Community campus later this month.
While the practice field is open, we are working to ready other parts of the field area. Having a designated area for spectators is one step to this process. We are working to add temporary bleachers and remove the current bleachers in the hopes to be able to host two daytime football games this fall season.
While there are a number of factors beyond our control in the recovery process, one area we can control is regular and transparent communication. Communication with our Fisher community remains a priority. Our next update will be provided the week of October 3. Thank you for your continuous support.
Dr. James Gray
West Bank Community Demolition In Progress:
August 5, 2022
Fisher Middle-High Family,
Maintaining an open dialogue with you is key to our recovery efforts, so I’m writing with our monthly update for Fisher Middle-High. We are excited to welcome back Fisher Middle-High students beginning Monday, August 8 on their current shared campus at John Ehret High. This temporary plan is based on the long-term solution for Fisher’s campus.
Our teams remain hard at work to return students to their Lafitte campus as soon as possible. We know how important athletics are to the Fisher and Lafitte community, and we have been working diligently to make stadium repairs to allow for a sense of normalcy for our students, families, and community members. Renovations to the stadium’s field are complete, and we are awaiting a final test before students and staff can use the field to practice. Please visit to see a photo of the updated football field. The plan is to use the stadium’s field for practice and to host two daytime football games this upcoming fall season.
After the architect’s initial assessment in July, ICF determined revisions to the assessment needed to include the stadium bleachers and press box. We are re-submitting the architect evaluation tomorrow to include the assessment of the bleachers and press box. The stadium’s bleachers were severely damaged and must be torn down before temporary bleachers are added. Hosting games at the stadium will be dependent on temporary bleachers and portable restrooms being installed.
After an evaluation by the architect of all buildings on campus, all but two buildings were identified as substantially damaged. The appropriate paperwork has been completed and submitted to FEMA and local officials based on this information. We are awaiting a decision on what will be covered by FEMA reimbursement and will keep you updated on this process.
Fisher Middle-High students are still expected to transition to a temporary site at the West Bank Community School campus in early 2023. This return remains on schedule. Renovations continue to convert the facility to a site appropriate to house a middle-high school. This includes the installation of two portable 20 classroom buildings with restrooms, which are scheduled to be delivered to the West Bank Community campus in September. The construction company is also adding a new parking lot, new ceiling and lighting, restroom renovations, and painting throughout the campus. The work taking place will ensure this temporary campus can support Fisher Middle-High employees, students, and families until their permanent home opens in Lafitte.
During the months since Hurricane Ida, I know you have made sacrifices, had to be adaptable, and exhibit endurance. Thank you for your patience and flexibility. We will continue to keep you informed about the recovery progress, and the next update will be provided September 5. Thank you for your efforts in providing the education our children deserve, and for continuing to show up for our children and one another.
Dr. James Gray
July 7, 2022
Fisher Middle-High Family,
I hope you and your family are enjoying the summer break. Our teams remain hard at work to return students to their Lafitte campuses as soon as possible. I’m writing with our monthly update on the recovery process for Fisher Middle-High.
Your school remains on schedule. Fisher Middle-High students are still expected to transition to a temporary site at the West Bank Community School campus in early 2023. The entire West Bank Community School campus will be dedicated to Fisher Middle-High until a new permanent school is completed in Lafitte. Fisher Middle-High students will open the 2022-23 school year on their current shared campus at John Ehret High.
We are awaiting final specifications from the architect assigned to the Fisher Middle-High campus. This is an additional step we are required to take as we determine whether to repair or replace the existing facilities. Work is also continuing at West Bank Community School to ensure that site can meet the needs of middle and high school students, employees, and families. This temporary plan is based on the long-term solution for Fisher’s campus.
We will continue to keep you informed about the recovery progress, and the next update will be provided August 5. Thank you for your continuous support and understanding as we move forward for our students and our Lafitte community.
Dr. James Gray
June 8, 2022
Dear Fisher Middle/High School Family,
I have often stated that the key to our recovery efforts would be continuous communication. With this in mind, the following message is part of the monthly communication update that will be sent from me to you on where we are in the recovery process at your school.
Currently, a comparative cost analysis is being conducted on whether to replace or repair the building. This is a step required by FEMA to ensure we reach the most cost efficient outcome. Additionally, temporary repairs to Westbank Community School are still underway. This Friday, bids to ready the school will be advertised.
Your continued patience and flexibility is greatly appreciated. I am certain that as we continue to work together while we navigate the tides of this recovery process, our campus, school, and community will be stronger and more unified than ever. The next update will be provided on Wednesday, July 6 and remember to visit for your school’s hurricane recovery updates.
Dr. James Gray
May 6, 2022
Dear Fisher Middle/High School Family,
I have often stated that the key to our recovery efforts would be continuous communication. With this in mind, the following message is part of the monthly communication update that will be sent from me to you on where we are in the recovery process at your school.
We are continuing to ready Westbank Community campus as a temporary location, but progress continues to be made at Fisher Middle/High.The board approved replacing the synthetic astroturf football field that will be installed this summer and ready. The field will then be accessible to be used as a practice facility by this upcoming fall semester. A full evaluation of the electrical grid for the field lighting will still need to be conducted before the stadium can be used entirely.
While progress is certainly being made, I can not thank you enough for your patience and flexibility. Our school family is adapting today, so that tomorrow our kids can learn on a campus that is less vulnerable to the threat of future hurricanes. The next update will be provided on Monday, June 6, and remember to visit for your school’s hurricane recovery updates.
Dr. James Gray
April 21, 2022
Fisher Middle-High Family,
The plan is still for Fisher Middle-High employees and students to begin next school year on the shared campus at John Ehret High before moving to a renovated temporary home at the former West Bank Community School campus later in the school year. However, we wanted to provide you with an update on the Fisher campus.
Last week, we conducted a walkthrough of the Fisher campus with representatives from the following:
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOSHEP)
- JP Schools FEMA consultants
During the two-day long process, the entire facility was assessed, including the football field and softball field. Our goal was to ensure the representatives had the proper documentation to systematically measure and identify damages. In addition to this walkthrough, our JP Schools FEMA consultants also conducted an independent damage assessment report.
The information obtained from this walkthrough and report will be used to assist with future decisions. Since all decisions must be supported with substantial evidence, this information will provide insight as we continue to determine the long-term solution to Fisher's campus and assist with the return of daily school operations to Lafitte.
As a next step, JP Schools will launch an online hub. The hub will include resources and the latest information about Fisher progress, and we will share more information about it soon.
Thank you for your continuous support. While I know the road to recovery has been longer for Lafitte than other areas in the parish, we are focused on supporting long term recovery efforts for all our children. The end result will be a stronger, more resilient Fisher community.
Dr. James Gray
March 29, 2022
Fisher Middle-High Family,
We hosted a town hall tonight in Lafitte to update employees, families, and the community on progress to safely bring back our two Lafitte campuses. I know everyone was not able to attend, so I am writing to update you on what was shared.
Fisher Middle-High employees and students will begin the 2022-23 school year in their current shared campus at John Ehret High before moving to a renovated temporary home at the former West Bank Community School campus later in the school year. Extensive renovations are underway to convert this facility from a community school to a site appropriate to house a middle-high school. The work taking place now will ensure this temporary home can adequately support Fisher Middle-High employees, students, and families until their permanent home opens in Lafitte.
I asked the architects and contractors to attend tonight’s town hall and explain the scope of their work at the West Bank Community campus. Here is some of the information they shared.
- Meyer Engineers and Architects has been tasked with converting the temporary campus into a facility suitable for serving a middle-high school.
- Meyer has over 50 years experience with JP Schools and the Town of Lafitte.
- Meyer began documenting existing conditions in January to develop scope of work and ensure alignment with government regulations.
- Bidding and the start of construction should take place this summer.
- Construction should be completed this winter.
- Scope of work includes:
- Modified gymnasium that can also serve as cafeteria
- Installation of two 10-room portables
- New parking lot
- New ceiling
- New lighting
- Restroom renovations
- Painting classrooms, band room, and main building
- General patching and repairs
Ultimately, I know you want to be back home at your Lafitte campus. That day will come. Until then, we are doing all we can to ensure your temporary home is safe and can comfortably serve our students, employees, and families.
While there are a number of factors beyond our control in the recovery process, one area we can control is regular and transparent communication. Continuous communication with our Lafitte community remains a priority. In addition to our town halls and regular text and email updates, we will launch an online hub with resources and the latest information about our progress building back stronger in Lafitte. We will share more information about this web page in the coming weeks.
We are rebuilding Fisher Middle-High and Kerner Elementary stronger and for the long haul. These campuses are more than just a place for children to learn. They are an integral part of the Lafitte community. Doing things the right way now — even if it means waiting a little longer — helps ensure these campuses continue to serve Lafitte children for generations to come.
Dr. James Gray
March 9, 2022
Kerner Elementary and Fisher Middle-High Family,
The Kerner Elementary and Fisher Middle-High campuses are more than just a place for children to learn. They are an integral part of the Lafitte community.
In an effort to continue an open dialogue with you, I, along with School Board Member Tiffany Higgins-Kuhn, invite you to attend a town hall meeting. This meeting will be an opportunity to engage with us in person and to ask any additional clarifying questions. The Lafitte town hall meeting will take place Tuesday, March 29 at 6 p.m. at the Jean Lafitte Auditorium, located at 4953 City Park Street. It is my sincere hope that you can attend.
Together, I know we will keep moving forward with meeting the needs of both your child and our community. We will continue to show up for our students and one another. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
Dr. James Gray
February 18, 2022
Kerner Elementary and Fisher Middle-High Families,
It’s been almost five months since Hurricane Ida made landfall, and the impact of this historic storm is still felt by Jefferson Parish families. This is especially true for you, as the storm made your school buildings unsafe for immediate return. The Kerner Elementary and Fisher Middle-High campuses are more than just a place for children to learn. They are part of the social fabric. That’s why we are focused on ensuring these repairs can help those institutions sustain for the long haul.
I’m grateful for your patience and partnership throughout this process. We’ve promised an open line of communication, and I’m writing to announce an upcoming opportunity to engage with us in person. We’ll be hosting a town hall in the next month and will be in touch soon with a date, time, and location. Similar to the town halls we hosted in the fall, you will hear from our team leading this project and can ask questions and share concerns important to you and your child.
Although we have communicated updates, we think an in-person meeting to ask additional clarifying questions will be beneficial. I hope you can join us, and we will be in touch soon with more details about the town hall.
Dr. James Gray
December 13, 2021
Dear Fisher School Family,
I hope this message finds you well and that your recoveries are coming along. The Lafitte community has made great progress, and with such substantial progress made, I would like to provide an update on Fisher School and where we are in the recovery process.
At this time, considerations are being taken into account as we continue to work with local officials and representatives to determine a long-term solution to Fisher’s campus, what the best path forward is for Fisher School, and if this includes repairs to the school or an entire rebuild. With consideration that the campus has previously flooded five times, we want to ensure that we are being proactive in mitigating the risk of future flooding.
Our Facilities Committee meeting was held last week, and the recommendation was made to our board to assign an architect and engineer to design and reoccupy West Bank Community School into a temporary high school campus, which is located at 2590 Barataria Blvd. This option allows for enough time to determine what would be the most optimal solution moving forward. As a next step, West Bank Community School is being prepared to act as a stand alone campus, as we anticipate that Fisher’s campus will not be ready for next school year. We will be supplying temporary modular classrooms, restrooms, a cafeteria, and kitchen.
Although recovery efforts are coming along, there is still a great deal of work that lies ahead regarding replacements and repairs. We all know that hurricane recovery has its challenges, and fluctuating circumstances can cause well-organized plans to change. This process requires a very coordinated effort amongst various departments, but I am confident that these repairs will be seen through successfully, as the recovery process has been efficient thus far.
At this time, we can confirm that Fisher students will finish their school year at John Ehret High School. I recognize that returning to Fisher School at the start of the new school year may not be the most hoped-for outcome, but please note that this option offers a long term solution to a temporary problem. I encourage you to continue to look after one another as we continue to work to restore our community, as it is that sense of unity that has kept us moving forward together.
We will continue to provide updates as progress is made, as we want to ensure that you are kept informed of Fisher School, a vital part of the Lafitte community.
Dr. James Gray
November 16, 2021
Dear Fisher School Family,
As you all have taken time to become acclimated with the recent adjustments made, I would like to provide an update on the status of your school campus.
At this time, Fisher School remains inaccessible for in person learning, but we continue to work with local officials and representatives to determine the long-term solution to Fisher's campus. Fisher’s students, faculty, and staff will continue to share a campus with John Ehret School. As previously mentioned, I recognize that efforts to maintain structure and stability are imperative for our children's growth and learning, and this plan allows us to continue to support that initiative. While I recognize the changes you’ve made have been an adjustment, I’m proud of the steps taken by our school community to overcome what has undoubtedly been an adverse set of circumstances.
I have often said that maintaining an open dialogue with you is key to our restoration and recovery efforts, and I will continue to provide updates on any notable progress or changes made.
The heartfelt stories shared showing how you all have looked after one another is a true depiction of our core values. Thank you for your patience and partnership as we move forward together to meet the needs of both our students and our community. Please continue to look after one another, as it is this attitude that has kept our district moving forward together.
Dr. James Gray
October 5, 2021
Dear Fisher Middle-High Families/Faculty and Staff,
The John Ehret High campus reopened to students today, and your students are still on schedule to return this Friday. The progress we have achieved together is remarkable - especially given the extensive damage to our aging facilities and Hurricane Ida’s impact on the lives of so many employees and families.
With all JP schools soon to be reopened, this will be my final weekly Hurricane Ida update. I hope these updates have been both informative and helpful. Please continue to stay connected to our regular school and district communications channels for new announcements and information.
While I know the road to recovery may be longer for Lafitte than other areas in Jefferson Parish, it’s important to remember that the short term adjustments being made are supporting long term recovery efforts. The end result will be a stronger, more resilient community. As we move forward, updates will be provided as new information becomes available about the long-term status of Fisher’s campus. Thank you for your efforts in providing the education our children deserve, and for continuing to show up for our children and one another.
Dr. James Gray
September 29, 2021
Dear Fisher Middle-High Families/Faculty and Staff,
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we finalize reopening plans. As I’ve shared previously, we want to be certain of our timeline prior to making it public. Our word to you matters, especially when you are dealing with so much uncertainty as you recover from Hurricane Ida.
Fisher Middle-High students will return to school at the John Ehret High campus on Wednesday, October 6. Fisher Middle-High teachers will report virtually Thursday, September 30 and in-person to the John Ehret High campus Monday, October 4. This timeline allows us to finalize the logistic and operational elements that will support Fisher Middle-High students, employees, and families from their designated buildings on the John Ehret High campus.
The timeline also allows John Ehret High students, employees, and families to adjust to shifts they are making in order to welcome Fisher Middle-High. As a tier 3 school, John Ehret High educators will return September 29, and students will return October 1.
This temporary plan is based on the long-term solution for Fisher’s campus. We will continue to keep you updated throughout this process. Please continue to persevere, remain resilient, and look after one another.
Dr. James Gray
September 24, 2021
Dear Fisher Families/ Faculty and Staff,
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work to resume a safe and welcoming in-person learning environment for both children and employees. As we shared Wednesday, our plan for Fisher to operate its own school from a shared campus with Ehret is temporary. This plan is based on the long-term solution for Fisher’s campus. Once we identify the long-term solution, we will share with you.
As I mentioned yesterday, we created a campus map (viewable at /Page/5181) that shows the buildings Fisher will operate out of. We will continue to update this map and share it with you as our Fisher, Ehret and district administrative team are continuously working to finalize logistics and plans. Fisher will have its own school time from 7:15 a.m. to 2:35 p.m. They will have their own building, classrooms, lunch, duty and bell schedule, parking for students and staff, and drop-off & pick-up area. Fisher middle school and Fisher high school students will also have separate bell schedules like they did earlier this school year while on Fisher’s campus.
Mayor Kerner and School Board member Tiffany Higgins-Kuhn will also conduct a walk-through of the Ehret campus next week. Continuous communication is key to ensuring a smooth reopening, so we will share another update with you next Tuesday and as-needed.
Throughout this challenging time, we will move forward with meeting the needs of both your child and our community. We will continue to show up for our students and one another.
Dr. James Gray
September 23, 2021
Dear Fisher Families/Faculty and Staff,
We had the opportunity to meet with many of you during our town hall meeting last night. We had an engaging discussion regarding a path forward to resume in-person teaching and learning. It is always a pleasure spending time in Lafitte and engaging in open discussions with you and your families. As I stated during the meeting, “Lafitte is a resilient, unified community,” and that strong sense of community was certainly felt in the room.
As we said last night, our plan is a temporary solution based on the long-term status of Fisher’s campus. Principal Matherne and Mr. Delcarpio, the John Ehret High Principal, are working collaboratively with their teams to ensure this temporary solution works for your students. We continue to work alongside officials - including Mayor Kerner and Repreative Kerner - to ensure there is a long-term solution for the Fisher campus.
In reference to a reopening date, please note that we are progressing towards identifying a definitive start date for the temporary solution at John Ehret High. This depends on a number of factors, and I want to be certain of this date before sharing with you. This will allow for a smooth and efficient start.
I have often mentioned that maintaining an opening dialogue is key during such an uncertain time. With this in mind, please note that an update will be weekly and as-needed to keep you informed. This communication will allow for a smooth and efficient start that we all want for our children. We will be sharing another update tomorrow with more information and updates, including a map of Ehret’s campus.
Please continue to persevere, remain resilient and look after one another.
Dr. James Gray
September 16, 2021
Dear Families of Fisher Middle/High,
As I mentioned earlier this week, resuming your child’s education remains our top priority. We have been working tirelessly to finalize plans for providing a clear path forward to in-person learning for your child. I’d like to assure you that we will keep siblings together and ensure a safe and welcoming in-person learning environment for both children and employees.
We are in the process of setting up a town hall meeting with you next week to discuss our plan, share details, and answer any questions that you may have. Please stay tuned for additional details, and thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
Dr. James Gray