About Us
Jefferson Parish Schools is a public school system of 74 schools. We serve students on both banks of the Mississippi River. JP Schools is the largest district in Louisiana and the nation's 96th largest. With approximately 6,000 employees, JP Schools is one of the largest employers in Jefferson Parish. Click here to view our school directory.
Our Students
There are 50,000 reasons the work we do matters in Jefferson Parish Schools. With approximately 50,000 students, JP Schools is the largest public school system in Louisiana and the 98th largest in the nation. We are also the most diverse district in Louisiana. Every day, around 50 different languages are spoken by students in our classrooms. Below are some facts and figures about our kids.
- 37% Hispanic
- 35% African American
- 23% White
- 5% Asian
- 1% Other
- 76% are economically disadvantaged
- 19% have exceptionalities
- 20% with limited English proficiency
- 89% Spanish
- 4% Arabic
- 2% Vietnamese
- 5% Other (46 languages)
Why do we exist
We provide the education our students deserve to succeed in life and make our world a better place.
How do we succeed?
- All students are ready for kindergarten.
- All students are on grade level in math and reading when they complete 3rd grade.
- All students are on grade level in math and ELA when they complete 8th grade and all students complete 9th grade sufficiently credited.
- All students graduate high school and are prepared socially, emotionally, academically, and financially for a career or college. They're prepared to make our world a better place.
Why is this important?
When students graduate high school, they are more likely to:
- Have a great and fulfilling job
- Earn a higher income
- Enjoy a healthier life
- Live longer
- Be a strong role model
- Be a responsible citizen
And our community is more likely to have:
- A quality workforce
- A stronger economy
- Healthier citizens
- Families that come and stay
- Businesses that come and stay
- Higher property values
- Safer neighborhoods
- A stronger military
If students do NOT graduate high school, they are more likely to:
- Be unemployed
- Live in poverty
- Have a shorter lifespan
- Be incarcerated
And our community is more likely to have:
- A less skilled workforce
- A weaker economy
- Less healthy citizens
- Families that either leave or never come
- Businesses that either leave or never come
- Lower property values
- Unsafe neighborhoods
- A weaker military
What is most important to achieve our goals?
- Provide safe, healthy, and modern schools.
- Hire, grow, and keep the best teachers.
- Hire, grow, and keep the best leaders.
- Use a robust curriculum with aligned assignments.
- Prioritize access, equity, and opportunity.
- Partner with families, community members, School Board members, agencies, and other stakeholders.