Student Fees
All schools will now begin using the same schedule of fees. This is a list of authorized school fees that includes each fee’s purpose, use, amount or authorized range, and how each will be collected.
In addition, families who meet the guidelines for waivers may receive a 50% reduction in student fees. Fees covered by the amended policy are any monetary payment or supplies required as a condition of a student being enrolled in school or participating in any curricular or co-curricular activity. This does not include fees associated with before or after-care, class trips, items purchased through third-party vendors, and fees associated with extracurricular activities.
Some examples of waiver eligibility include active military, foster care, homelessness, or families who are on government assistance.
Parents or legal guardians may request and receive a waiver of payment of a fee due to economic hardship. Waivers are available on the district’s website (see below), with the school counselor/social worker, and at the district’s Compliance Office (501 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey, LA 70058). If a waiver is denied at the school level, the parent or legal guardian may appeal the decision to the district’s Compliance Office.
Registration Fee | $20 (one-time annual) | null |
Before School Care | $4/day | $20/week |
After School Care | $7/day | $35/week |
Before & After School Care | $11/day | $55/week |