Jump Start Summers
Jump Start Summers
Applications for Jump Start Summers are currently closed for Summer 2023.
This program is intended for current Jefferson Parish High Schools students in grades 9-12. This program is intended to offer an advanced opportunity for students to learn a skill to increase career readiness. Students can earn a stipend for successful completion of the program. This program is first come, first served.
Eligibility criteria:
- 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA in high school courses; good academic standing
- Cannot have excessive absences
- Cannot have major/multiple disciplinary infractions
- Students may not have previously attempted/failed the certification course
Course offerings:
- Lodging and Management (Openings on the eastbank only)
- Carpentry II (This course has reached its capacity of students.)
- EMR/First Responder (This course has reached its capacity of students.)
- Digital Media (This course has reached its capacity of students.)
- Operation Spark (This course has reached its capacity of students.)
Dates: June 5 - June 23
Times: 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Locations: East Jefferson High, John Ehret High, and LW Higgins High School (Carpentry)
Eligibility: students must have a 2.0 or higher cumulative high school GPA and good academic standing. Additionally, students cannot have a record of excessive absences or major/multiple disciplinary infractions. This program is intended for students attempting the certification for the first time. Students cannot have previously attempted and failed the certification course.