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Smart Start

August 7

8th & 12th grade 

August 8

7th & 11th grade

August 9

6th & 10th grade

August 12

6th & 9th grade

August 13

First Day All Smart Smart Students


Jefferson Parish Schools’ new back-to-school approach is designed to help students into the middle and high school experience. Smart Start uses the first four days of school to give grades 6-8 and 9-12 their own dedicated first day of school.

Educators will use the grade-specific days to help middle and high school students make the most of the academic, extracurricular, and well-being opportunities offered by the state’s largest school system.

JP Schools students in middle and high will operate on the Smart Start schedule for the first week of school. Students in grades pre-K to 5 are not impacted and will operate on their normal schedule. Only students in grades 6-12 will participate in the Smart Start schedule.

This small investment of time during the first week of school will go a long way in helping our students build a foundation for a successful year. Middle and high school is a critical time in a child’s life, and we want to make sure they understand the many opportunities, activities, and support offered in Jefferson Parish Schools.

JP Schools based this change on feedback from conversations with groups of students, families, teachers, counselors, and administrators. School leaders will determine the details of their Smart Start schedules based on the unique needs of their school community. Smart Start gives educators an opportunity for more individualized discussions about a number of school policies, benefits, and supports such as:

  • Academic orientation and expectations
  • General school policies, processes, and programs
  • Career and college readiness
  • School culture and climate
  • Athletics and extracurricular opportunities
  • Student wellbeing support
  • Participating in high school experience

Teachers will attend school each day. While Smart Start will only take place the first week of school, school leaders are committed to adjusting schedules throughout the year to assist students.

The Jefferson Parish School Board unanimously approved the staggered start for high school students during the July 6, 2022 meeting. The first day of school for students in grades 1-5 is August 7. Pre-K and kindergarten students start on August 14-15.