IGNITE Jefferson Teacher Leader Program
Leadership Opportunities for Expanding Capacity as Instructional Leaders
Jefferson Parish Schools believes investing in educator capacity is essential to the success of our students and moving our schools forward. As such, JP Schools increased the number of its IGNITE Teacher Leaders by 5% during the 2020-21 school year. The IGNITE Jefferson Talent Pipeline is a robust professional development program comprising five unique teacher leadership positions.
Providing our best teachers with incentives to learn, grow and stay with Jefferson Parish Schools is a key priority to our strategic plan, 2024: The Future our Kids Deserve. We encourage all motivated teachers to speak with their principal about the advancement opportunities detailed below.
IGNITE Teacher Leader Fellows
The IGNITE Teacher Leader Fellows provide support to fellow teachers on their campus, leveraging their expertise to support high quality teaching and learning. While serving in this vital capacity-building role, Teacher Leader Fellows are given opportunities to invest in their own development as instructional leaders from the classroom while engaging in opportunities for professional development.
The position entails:
- Serve as a member of the school’s Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
- Assist in the planning and execution of weekly cluster meetings (job-embedded professional development)
- Provide instructional coaching support to a cadre of teachers, focusing on new teachers
- Perform informal walk-throughs to drive coaching cycles
- Opportunity to acquire the LDOE Mentor Credential, required of any educator hosting a resident teacher or post-baccalaureate practitioner
- Priority placement on district-level teams
- Stipend of $1,500, additional compensation possible for those hosting resident teachers
IGNITE Teacher Leader Fellows are appointed by their principals, based on district-created criteria. In 2021, there were more than 175 Teacher Leader Fellows across the district, serving 77 campuses.
IGNITE Content Leader Fellows
The IGNITE Content Leader Fellows are subject matter experts, trained to lead content-specific professional learning at both the school and district level. Content Leader Fellows, though not required, often served in the Teacher Leader Fellow role prior to expanding their leadership capacity in this role. Content Leader Fellows have networking opportunities for authentic collaboration and development with other CLFs, along with the opportunity to build comradery and lasting relationships among the educators they work with across the district.
The position includes:
- Opportunity to serve as a member of the school’s Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
- Assist in the planning and execution of weekly cluster meetings (job-embedded PD) in alignment with school’s short and long range plans; utilize data to make informed decisions
- Provide content-specific support through on and off campus professional development
- Opportunity to acquire the LDOE Content Leader Credential, required of any educator hosting a resident teacher or post-baccalaureate practitioner
- Priority placement on district-level teams, i.e. Benchmark Work Groups, Scope and Sequence Work Groups, etc.
- Stipend of $1,500
IGNITE Content Leader Fellows are selected by an application process. There are more than 85 Content Leader Fellows across the district.
The IGNITE ESL Coach serves as a peer coach who provides feedback and support to all teachers on ESL best practices and methodologies. The ESL coach promotes an inclusive culture of universal learning in the classroom, and coaches teachers on how to better meet the needs of English Learners in their instructional practices.
The position includes:
- Opportunity to serve as a member of the school’s Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
- Receive Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) training through the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL).
- Participate in monthly district-led professional development and support
- Stipend of $1,000
IGNITE ESL Coaches are selected by an application process. There are more than 70 ESL Coaches across the district.
IGNITE Mentor Teachers (Transformation Network)
The IGNITE Mentor Teachers provide support to fellow teachers on Transformation Network campuses, leveraging their expertise to support high quality teaching and learning. While serving in this vital capacity-building role, Mentor Teachers are given opportunities to invest in their own development as instructional leaders from the classroom.
The position entails:
- Receive official (Teacher Advancement Program) Evaluation, Cluster, and Leadership team training
- Serve as a member of the school’s Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
- Assist in the planning and execution of weekly cluster meetings (job-embedded PD) in alignment with school’s short and long range plans
- Analyze school-wide data, including diagnostics, benchmarks, LEAP data, and student work samples to drive cluster learning
- Provide instructional coaching support to educators through planning, modeling, co-teaching, etc.
- Perform walk-throughs and formal observations, including pre- and post-conferences
- Priority placement on district-level teams
- Stipend of $5,000
IGNITE Mentor Teachers are appointed by their principals, based on district-created criteria and work an additional five (5) days beyond the normal teacher contracted days.
IGNITE Master Teachers
The IGNITE Master Teacher position is the top teacher leadership role in the district. This role allows our high quality teachers to stay connected to the classroom while engaging in school-level leadership, requiring competency in coaching, content, and facilitation of learning. Master Teachers are given opportunities to invest in their own development as instructional leaders through targeted professional development.
Position includes:
- Receive official (Teacher Advancement Program) Evaluation, Cluster, and Leadership team training; monthly clusters with Master Teachers
- Serve as a member of the school’s Instructional Leadership Team (ILT)
- Co-plan Instructional Leadership Team meetings with the building principal
- Plan and execute weekly cluster meetings for various content areas in alignment with school’s short and long range plans
- Analyze school-wide data, including diagnostics, benchmarks, LEAP data, and student work samples to drive cluster learning
- Research and field test effective pedagogical strategies for utilization in improving student achievement
- Provide instructional coaching support to educators through planning, modeling, co-teaching, etc.
- Perform walk-throughs and formal observations, including pre- and post-conferences
- Assist teachers with creating and implementing Individual Growth Plans
- Support the growth and development of IGNITE Teacher Leader Fellows, Content Leader Fellows, ESL Coaches, and Mentor Teacher (where applicable)
- Stipend of $7,500
IGNITE Master Teachers must complete an application and interview process, and then are placed in a Master Teacher Candidate Pool and are able to be hired by school principals. IGNITE Master Teachers work an additional ten (10) days beyond the normal teacher contracted days.