What We Do
Red Flags
Your child may have a fluency/stuttering problem if:
- He/she repeats syllables or whole words (ex. t t test)
- Uses interjections – he/she uses too many fillers (ex. um, uh,)
- He/she sometimes drags out the sounds in words (ex. s—-un, baaall)
- He/she is aware of a stuttering problem
- He/she hesitates on words
- He/she shows additional signs of struggle (ex. eye blinks, tapping finger/feet, * poor eye contact, facial grimaces)
Traditional therapy approach includes:
- Relaxation
- Breathing techniques
- Using easy onset of speech
- Using slow, stretched rates
Parental Suggestions
- Do not interrupt/rush/criticize he/she when speaking
- Do not finish his/her sentence
- Model slow easy speech
- Do not force him/her to speak in stressful situations
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