Special Education Resources
Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM) Resources
Accessible Books in the Classroom
Print disabilities: What do I do with this student?
AIM Navigator
The AIM Navigator consists of a series of guiding questions to assist teams with decision-making about need, selection, acquisition, and use of accessible instructional materials.
Arts in Education Resources
Arts Education Resources
This link will take you to the JP Schools Resource Site for Arts Education. Included will be lessons for arts integration, community resources, related websites, sources for supplies (some free), art contests, and staff development opportunities.
Assistive Technology Resources
Tarheel Reader
Excellent and enormous collection of stories with Text-to-Speech for significantly disabled students of all ages.
Reading Resources
Excellent and FREE website for teachers of Reading Comprehension.
- A/BIT Forms and Information
- Academic Behavioral Intervention Team
- Accommodations
- Accessible Instructional Materials Guide and Forms
- Check-In/Check-Out (CICO)
- Functional Behavior Assessment
- Interventions
- IEP Forms and Instructions
- SPED Forms for Schools