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The district’s TV studio, JP Schools-TV, has been serving the Jefferson Parish Schools for over 30 years. From its modest beginnings, JP Schools-TV has grown into a critical resource for the district, as it documents and showcases all elements of the school system from board meetings and special events to everyday activities happening in our schools.

JP Schools-TV is equipped with a first-class production facility including a large studio with green screen capabilities and Adobe Premiere editing suites. In-house productions air on our local access COX cable channel 8 and AT&T U-verse channel 99 (select Jefferson Parish TV, then JP Schools TV) twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Selected programming is also available on Vimeo and YouTube.

JP Schools-TV remains firm in its commitment to be a vital reflection of Jefferson Parish Schools and to work in close partnership with our schools and community to highlight the academics, sports, and cultural activities that make a JP Schools education valuable for all the children of Jefferson Parish.

Programming Schedule

JP Schools in-house productions air on our local access COX cable channel 8 and AT&T U-verse channel 99 (select Jefferson Parish TV, then JP Schools TV) twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Watch JP Schools-TV here 

Purchasing DVDs of Programming

The TV Studio makes certain programming available for purchase on DVD, including Martin Marino's Dance Challenge and all graduation ceremonies. To purchase a DVD, please fill out this DVD Order Form and mail in your request to the address listed on the form with a check made payable to Jefferson Parish Schools.