Warehouse Services
The Warehouse supports the instructional and operational needs of the District through the warehousing and transportation of supplies and equipment, moving of schools and departments, and providing courier service between the schools and central office. The warehouse also provides storage for various departments. The warehouse include storage racks and a loading dock with a truck ramp for easy access of deliveries and pick-ups. Warehouse Service staff is required to assist employees in order to access most items stored in cages or on shelving in the warehouse. Therefore, please call and make an appointment to make sure someone is available to assist you when you come to the warehouse. For more information, call Eddie Moses at 349-7728 or 349-7752 to reach a warehouse driver.
The Warehouse Service department provides the following services to the administrative buildings, 80 plus public school locations and over 50 non-public school locations:
- Mail delivery
- Materials pickup and delivery
- Materials relocation
- Purchase order delivery processing
- New furniture request
- Records and materials storage management
- Salvage & surplus disposition
Disposal of Surplus Items, Transfer Items, and Ewaste Items
New Procedures per Technology & Finance Department Business Services
To request a pickup to E-Waste a device, dispose of unneeded items, or transfer items to another location see appropriate link below.
· Technology E-Waste Procedure: https://docs.google.com/document/d/150B9ccEZyDxb0OwEMTUv-40GdShPTeiq/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111515117055522842690&rtpof=true&sd=true
· Non-Technology Disposal Procedure: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1REgGbvTCAIan7MOuUVVW20wWMdKUvAon/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111515117055522842690&rtpof=true&sd=true
· Item Transfer Procedure: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17xc-O6T9R0k4Ejnml8m1w0LzKhGNWkD7/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111515117055522842690&rtpof=true&sd=true
Jefferson Parish Schools has gone online to auction off surplus inventory using a system called Public Surplus. This system is available only to government agencies and educational institutions. Items are available for selection for public bidding at http://www.publicsurplus.com/.
Mail Delivery
Mail is delivered to all schools every other day during the school year. During the summer months, the mail is delivered to schools every other day. Schools can check with their pony driver for their summer schedule. Mail is picked up every day at Administration buildings.
To ensure that mail and packages get where you want it to go:
- Instruct all of your customers or constituents to use your complete address when mailing to you (make certain it include your name, phone number, and department/school)
- Include your return address
- Address all mail (even internal) with the name of the recipient, department designation and school or building name:
Questions about Inter-Office mail delivery or processing of mail can be addressed by the Warehouse staff via email or phone.
Moving Service
The Warehouse staff provides assistance with moving administrative offices and schools. Boxes can be requested through Eddie Moses by email. For computer removal and set up contact the Technology department. For copiers that are under lease, you will need to contact that company to move the copier due to warranty restrictions.
Furniture Request
For new furniture requests, contact Tom Doster, Director of Purchasing and Procurement, at 349-7667 or thomas.doster@jpschools.org. The warehouse at times has gently used furniture. Contact Eddie Moses for availability.
Loaner Folding Chairs & Tables
The Warehouse has folding tables (rectangular & round) and chairs that are loaned out for science fairs, festivals, dedications or other functions. The equipment must be reserved in advance by calling 349-7728. You can also email your request to Eddie Moses. Please provide the date of event (we will deliver the items the day before) and a pick-up date after the event.
Textbook/Records Disposal
For textbooks/records disposal, contact Renetta Murray at 349-8904 or by email, Renetta.Murray@jpschools.org. Once the textbook disposal request has been approved, Renetta Murray will contact Warehouse Services and a pickup will be scheduled. Boxes can be requested through Eddie Moses via email, eddie.moses@jpschools.org. Boxes larger than 18″ x 12″ x 12″ will not be accepted. If there are any unused boxes, turn them over to the driver at the time of pickup.
4600 River Road
Marrero, LA 70072
504-383-1926 (Fax)
Shipping and receiving hours, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday (except holidays & school closure dates)