Physical Education & Athletics
The physical education (PE) & athletics department serves students, parents, athletes, coaches, administrators, Jefferson Parish, and playground supervisors. Resources from partnerships and professional organizations including the Louisiana Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (LAHPERD), Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA), and the Louisiana High School Athletic Directors Association (LHSADA). We also provide health & PE curriculum assistance and health textbooks. Middle and high school student athletes may contact our office for concerns about eligibility and appeals.
The Physical Education & Athletics department also:
- Supervises Bonnabel, East Jefferson, West Jefferson stadiums, grounds keepers and certified trainers.
- Schedules games, rentals and practices for middle and high school usage and middle school game officials.
- Coordinates emergency response teams and security at our stadiums.
- Coordinates reciprocal usage of facilities and agreements with the recreation departments in Jefferson, Kenner and Gretna.
- Promotes health and physical education activities and professional development for teachers and coaches including Fitness Gram.
- Encourages the development and improvement of extra curricular activities for students.
- Organizes athletic physicals with local medical professionals.
The guidelines will be updated as the guidance and the transition between phases are updated.
- B) The provisions of 17: 17.I(A)(I) which require at least thirty minutes each school day of quality moderate to vigorous physical activity for students are suspended.
3 Dimensional Coaching:
Jefferson Parish coaches are participating in this certification program.
“To provide a framework for coaching that addresses all 3 dimensions of an athlete, built on a foundation of purpose and delivered through workshops and online learning.”
3D Coaching is not a “program.” At its essence, 3D Coaching is a framework for coaching. Utilizing the framework helps coaches to be intentional about becoming:
- Fundamentally sound (1st Dimension)
- Skilled at coaching the mind (2nd Dimension)
- Focused on developing the heart (3rd Dimension)
Jefferson Parish Schools are a member of the LHSAA and do by adhere the rules and regulations set by LHSAA
Student Athletes:
All JP Schools athletes must adhere to the district’s requirements.
- Physical
- Grade Requirements
- Complete Athletic Packet
Athletic Packet available for download here
Quick Links
Carl Nini
Director of PE and Athletics
Nichole Penn-Paul
Administrative Assistant
501 Manhattan Blvd.
Harvey, La 70058