It is the policy of Jefferson Parish Schools that discipline be defined as essential to the orderly operation of any school and the maintenance of an environment conducive to quality education. Discipline is behavior in accord with rules of conduct. A student is required to conduct himself/herself properly while under school supervision and to comply with all policies and regulations declared to govern pupil conduct. Each student shall be held strictly accountable for any disorderly conduct in school buildings, on school premises, on school buses, and at school-sanctioned events. Any violations of the code of conduct should be reported to the school administration.
Any violation of a code of conduct article may result in disciplinary actions.
Before or after-school detentions of an hour or less or Saturday detentions may be assigned either by the teacher or administrator. The parent/legal guardian is notified by means of a detention notice at least one (1) day before the detention is to be served. Two (2) copies of the detention notice will be sent home with the student. One (1) copy is to be retained by the parent/legal guardian. One (1) copy should be signed by the parent/legal guardian and returned to school before the detention is to be served. The parent/legal guardian can legally refuse to allow the student to serve detentions. However, the student will be subject to suspension from school.
District Detention Notification
In-School Suspension
ISS allows students to remain under the school’s supervision during the suspension, to receive counseling related to specific behaviors, and to work on academic skills by completing assignments and/or general academic packets. After successfully completing the ISS, the student may return to the regular school/schedule and will be eligible to complete all missed assignments. The absence(s), according to state guidelines, is an excused absence.
Out-of-School Suspension
OSS removes student from the campus for a period not to exceed 10 consecutive school days. The student may return to the regular school after a conference is held with school administration and the parent or guardian and the time assigned has been completed. The student is eligible to complete all missed assignments and the absence(s), according to state guidelines, is a non-exempted absence.
Bullying/Violence Prevention and Substance Abuse Educational Component
- Bullying/Violence Prevention & Substance Abuse Ed Registration Form - To be submitted by School Personnel Only
- Violence Prevention Policy - English (All other languages - COMING SOON)
- Violence Prevention Fee payment link
- Substance Abuse Policy and Parent Packet - COMING SOON
- Substance Abuse Policy and Parent Packet - Spanish COMING SOON
FINS Documentation
Expulsion/Extended Expulsion
It is the policy of the Jefferson Parish Public School System that a student may be recommended for a remainder of the school year suspension by the principal after a Group 4 Major infraction has been committed or a habitual violations of Group 3 Major infractions. Alternatively educational programs will be provided in only those cases required by law.
It is the policy of the Jefferson Parish Public School System that a student may be expelled for a period of time that extends beyond the present school year upon the recommendation of the principal and the concurrence of the Executive Director of School Support for the serious offenses listed below:
- The possession or use of any implement which may be used as a weapon or that may result in bodily harm to an individual.
- Any malicious act which results in serious bodily harm to an individual.
- Commits any other serious offense or creates any serious disruption of a school education process.
- Distributing, manufacturing, intending to distribute alcoholic beverages, controlled dangerous substances in any form, mood altering chemicals, or any substances designed to look like or presented to be such a drug in school buildings, on school premises, on school buses, or at school sanctioned events.
Quick Links
Violence Prevention Fee payment link
2024-25 Registration for Bullying/VPP and Substance Abuse Education **For School Personnel Use Only
Online Expectations for Virtual Violence Prevention
Virtual Discipline Policy and Code of Conduct - English
Directions to Discipline Reports
Procedures & Policies for Families